About Us
The MEDICAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION (IFUMSA) of the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University was established in 1972 as a group of individuals admitted to study Medicine and Surgery in the University of Ife(OAU) hence the name “Ife University Medical Students Association” and the acronym IFUMSA. This year 2022 thus marks the 50th year of existence of the association.
As a conglomeration of tomorrow’s doctors to be trained in the ancient, traditional and historic town of Ife, IFUMSA has continually been an association to cater for the wellbeing of her community and members from the little resources garnered yearly from members.
The association has watched herself grow from less than 200 members in the ‘70s to over 700 members in recent times and over 15,000 alumni successfully fielded all over the world.

It does not take so long a time for the golden year to come. It is for a fact, an element of progressiveness to understand how long we have come, to appreciate the past and to welcome the future.
Young students, who are now our fathers and mothers, pursuing the MBChB degree at the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University) established an association that projects their interest, represents their ideals and serve their purposes. That birthed the beginning of a very long but amazing journey.
Fifty years on and the ideals, purpose, hopes and interests of our founding fathers remain our golden aims and objectives. Our vision remains lucid and our mission is rivetted.
As an association we have numerous activities, programs and projects that continue to ensure our greatness is preserved. We have for ourselves an enriched culture that is bathed with the values of unity, love, teamspirit and nobility. Our greatest treasures are the people both members and alumni who continue to contribute to our successes and progress all through the years. We pride ourselves as an association that is one among many and second to none, this mantra we have upheld for many years unshaken and without blemish.
Our records speak for us. We thrive to ensure that our members get the most out of their medical education, that as a medical student you learn more than the medical rudiments but you also pick up skills that are profitable in the expanse of the world and that you have values that will continue to open doors. We create opportunities and enabling atmosphere for growth of passion, extra-curricular activities and also build skills needed both within and outside medicine. As a group of noble professionals in training, our core objectives of academic excellence continue to be our mandate while we also find time for recreational activities that loosen burden.
Our alumni continue to be proud of what they left behind and seeing us thrive is always their joy as is evident by their continuous expression of satisfaction anytime we have them.
As we have been existing for 50 Golden Years, the 50th anniversary calls for celebration. To celebrate our history, celebrate our achievements and also project for the future. Activities in this regard are centered around the power-packed 36th Health Week and the Mega Alumni Reunion Honours Day program.
For the success of this 50th anniversary we are open to partnerships, sponsorships, recommendations and ideas to ensure that we create a lasting memory that is deserving of a golden year.
I want to implore you all to identify with our anniversary programs as we look forward to achieving more and celebrating this great feat. Congratulations to us all!
Our Vision
As an affiliate member of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) through the Nigerian Medical Students’ Association (NiMSA) as well as registered member of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) and the Federation Of African Medical Students’ Association (FAMSA), we are committed to taking the good service of Medicine around the globe without any limit.
Our Mission
Our primary focus is to cater for the general welfare and interest of all Medical Students of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife as well as to contribute to the upliftment of the health conditions and general welfare of the people by rendering assistance in all community programs where Medical Students can be of help. We have been able to achieve numerous counts of this through our society alleviation programs, rallies, summits, outreaches, symposia, lectures and social events. Some of these are the Save Our Teachers Movement, Depression talks, Rally against Female Genital Mutilation and many more.

Testimonies From Reputable Alumni

Dr Akinmade Fisayo
I count myself lucky to have been associated with IFUMSA both by being an Ife med student and also intentionally by being active in various roles during my time as a great Ife student. IFUMSA prepared me for leadership roles, human capital development, public speaking and most importantly understanding the relevance of being in a team. Seeing that the association is growing from strength to strength even years after my time is a testament to the great institutional values of IFUMSA"